Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So I went to a funeral today, it was for Uncle Gene. He wasn't really my uncle but that's what we called him. He was known by my roommate and me and some other statesboro friends through the pizza delivery business.

I was thinking earlier about charisma and how to have charisma. I feel as if for a while now knowledge has slowed. I do think that one way to have better charisma is to have more knowledge. But then again it comes to thinking about people with no education who have great charisma

We set up an office in my house, mainly for me and Joey my roommate. We are going to continue the delivery service that gene ran that Joey, Dave, and Brady worked for. I guess my roll will increase as time goes by. It is nice to have a non cluttered room. Maybe it will give me time to better find out what I want to do with my life.

anyway back to charisma. There are people in my mind that have an essence. These are those seasoned fellows that leave a mark when you meet them. I wonder if you can have these things without experiencing life. I do feel sometimes that I lack experience. I've never even left the southern states barely

I need to challenge myself. I just spent much time creating for the art show and it has left me hungry for knowledge. So I'm going to challenge myself to read more books, and return to a deeper thought pattern that seems to be less evident lately. Now I don't want you to think that things here are all boring. I have a great life a great woman, great friends, and family and many good things around me. But I would say that I want more

anyhow that's enough deepness for now

do me a favor and give somebody a hug today. I think if we hugged more and fought less the world would be a better place



Anonymous said...

Perhaps those people and things you perceive to be great aren't really so great in the eyes of the Lord. Maybe you should look elsewhere and move on. Afterall, fulfillment is gained from commitment to God and doing what pleases Him most. If we aren't living for Him, we will find that the things and the people that we have in our life that were His blessings will be taken away and replaced by things and people that will never throw out the things of the world and walk with Him.

Anonymous said...

perhaps just perhaps he knows what is great and isn't great.. who are we to tell him that these things are not great or of the lord?? But maybe you know him a little better than I.. you must talk to him on a daily basis and know his inner thoughts, feelings and yernings. You must know that he praises his God and is incouraged to do so. for I'm sure that only someone as close to him as this would be able to leave a comment like that... I think hes pretty cool and hes wise enough to know whats best for him.