Monday, September 19, 2011


There is a small church on HWY 17 between Brunswick and Darien. It is a sanctuary
There was a Chapel on the ABAC Campus. It is a sanctuary
There is a ride share on hwy 280 near the interstate. It is a sancturary
The island behind my parents house, bird pond, Oliver WMA, The benches next to the lake on campus. Theese are sanctuaries.
Find an area to walk in. A secluded path is preferred. Unplug yourself. Walk for an undetermined timne
We all need a sanctuary. A place to seperate ourself too and let our mind and spirit take a deep breath in. Sometimes daily, weekly, monthly I go to theese places and unplug. I sit, watch but more importantly listen. I listen to myself, and to the voice of the creator.
Sometimes if for a moment or a day. Whenever life gets hectic i go to the sanctuary. I would enourage you to do also.