Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Its raining

I started praying for a new job in January. And at the end of february I lost the job I had due to my company being sold. After that we moved in with H's Parents and I began looking for a job I continued to pray for a new job.

Honi prayed for rain and when it sprinkled he kept on praying.

My circle of prayers went from God lead me, show me, help me, God provide for me. .. I had 3 interviews that I was rejected from. I submitted about 200 aplications. (guessing) When you are looking for the lord to provide. Don't give up. I'm still praying that God will release Doug from jail. Although I feel rejected in this prayer. I'm still praying. I have been inconsistant but I will continue on. My new job started this week. Its Rainng. My prayer circle will widen!