Tuesday, April 25, 2006

FYI Gas Tax

The federal excise tax on gasoline has been 18.4 cents per gallon since 1993.

Estimates of the total current gasoline taxes (in cents per gallon) by state, including all federal, state, and local taxes, are as follows:

31.1 (cents per gallon)
Most Expensive Tax
Hawaii 54.7 (cents per gallon)

The average price of a gallon of gasoline, exclusive of taxes, is about $1.45. This means that gas taxes as a percentage of the product price amount to about 29.5 percent

May 13, 2004
Laurence M. Vance [
send him mail] is a freelance writer and an adjunct instructor in accounting and economics at Pensacola Junior College in Pensacola, FL. Visit his website.
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Since gas is higher now in 2006 the % is higher. Higher Gas price = More money for the government

So the next time the government says they care about the prices so they will lessen environmental standards (increase pollution) or stop saving for the federal reserve (saftey net) ask your representative why not lower the gas tax? (less money for them)

Of course if washington ever lowered a tax they would likely screw everything up from acting rational.