Saturday, February 25, 2006

in honor of the perk

In honor of the last bit of one of my coffee jars (I have 3 of them) I used the stovetop-percolator.

The Connection
Community Coffee from New Orleans city of my Birth
Perk from My Aun'ts Antique Shop in Glenmora LA my Dad's Hometown
Hand-made ceramic mug gathered by H and given to me

One of the reasons I love coffee is the way it brings simple connections either through origins, friends, or community into view and perspective


Smashing In the Dark

Playing croquet in my backyard with overgrown grass, pine-cones, and at about 10pm at night to say the least was a blast

we had a fire and tiki's to light the path it still was extra difficult and most fun.

Thanks to H croquet has landed in the STA I bought the set she found the participators. We found a nice patch of grass around mill creek, a super fast course if I need to say so to play on. Even Got a hollah from the grounds keeper he shouted "croquet I haven't seen that in years".

So now I issue a challenge to the swainsbrethren from the statesfellers for a match. Maybe these 2 worlds will collide if so it will be a most excellent adventure

And don't you know its raining. Its Saturday of course. lol But yesterday was one of those days that make you want to Shout Thank you Lord, for living in South Georgia where we have the most ossum late winter early springs


Thursday, February 23, 2006


Over 83,000 people have been detained in the “war on terror.” Roughly 14,500 are currently in custody. Over two hundred have been detained for more than two years. One-hundred-eight have died in US custody as of March 2005. Twenty-six of these deaths are being investigated as criminal homicides. —AP report, November 2005

"We Do Not Torture"
President George W Bush November 2005