Monday, October 31, 2005

tie them around my neck

I need to tie my camera batteries arond my neck
I keep misplacing them either them or the charger. lol They don't ever seem to be in the same place at the same time.

I need an oompaloompa to come over and clean my room while I sleep

I'm recovering from last night. It was super. I had a nice cup of Muse tonight it was beautiful. Coffee is my friend, and I pledged to H to stop drinking (hard drinks) so dang much, so that should be fun.

Ok america we need to talk:
What is up with cheaters? I mean if you don't want to be in a relationship than don't and just stop being sneaky and cheating on those who you say you are into.

I recently learned an acquaintence is now "talking" to another guy while dating her boyfriend


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oompaloompas, hard liquor, cheating americans and rechargable batteries! whats not to like about that post- the mayor