Tuesday, August 02, 2016


66 Books, written by approximately 40 different authors, Written over a period of approximately 1500+ years,, Many many rewrites and copies. Yes. Many times the scribe would add to it i'm sure, But I think the core of the bible remains strong. I find it Interesting that from 1611-1971 it was basically unchanged. this is the time between the KJV translation and the New American Standard Version, IT seems in the last 50 years there has been a movement for "less bible". So the question comes about, does the bible has integrity in 2016? I think so. I look at the History, The Scripture, defending scripture, the thread of continuity through the text , and the deeper meaning of the text.(the pepper). There are over 5,600 early Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament that are still in existence. We have plenty of History to back it up, ex: (pool of bethesda john 5:2)) Some thought john made this up, it was said to be destroyed 70AD.... In the 1900s, however, archaeologists at Bethesda unearthed two large water reservoirs separated by a broad rock dike. They were rectangular in shape, with four colonnaded portico around the sides. There is plenty of history to back the integrity of the scriptures. Sola Sctpture ( the thread of the bible), Genesis, to Revelation, its :Jesus. "made in our image" Who is our? "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.[f] Amen. (the ending rev 22:21)  PSalm 22.:!8 is a detailed description of the crucifixion--1000 years before Jesus was born. There are Apppx 2,000 fulfilled prophecies in the bible. In approximately 700 BC, the prophet Micah named the tiny village of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Israel's Messiah (Micah 5:2). Plenty of history that can back the text, and prophecies that can connect the books. Someone said “The Hebrew language is not a precise mathematical language. It is alive. It desires to be known. HEb 4:12 For the word of God is living. The deeper meaning is through my studies, more than any other, this word, this bible has been placed in my heart. Jesus used scriptures to heal, to rebuke, to cast the devil off. Our God wasn't seen as an idol, or a figure. From the early days it was a story, and was eventually written down. So I believe that the Image of God, is brought through the language of God. I belive That the bible is the pepper, that it is the extra sauce in the soup. For me the scriptures breathe Abba. They Speak Grace and present the spirit to me. Its a feeling, its a knowing, its a faith that I cannot deny. For me its psalm 13. Its a song of David, crying to God saying "where are you" have you forgotten me (humans longing for the divine) then he said I will trust in you heart shall rejoice in your salvation.(God with us).. We can argue if a part is literal or symbolic, we can discuss if the bible is the "Word of God" or dos it contain "God word. But for me I start in a place knowing its has integrity, and I trust it as true.

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