Thursday, July 09, 2015

Biblical Marriage or a modern day springer.

The wives of David of Israel. 
The Story is in first Samuel. Merab and Michal.. Merab was king sauls eldest and was promised to David for fighting and killing the philistines. But then Saul reneged and said he couldn't have her anymore. Then Saul gave him Michal. This is pretty much agreed upon as a being a political marriage for power. Abigail: when Nabal (her husband) died David thanked the lord for his death and went and took his wife. . AHINOAM: Many people agree that this was sauls wife and david took her and married her while saul was still alive. Then we have Bathsheba who was seduced and David murdered her husband. 

Is this a biblical marriage? 

What do we do with this story? 

Is this totally messed up? 


Its more complex. Than the summary above. 

God allowed it, i know this.   But its also a modern day tabloid/ springer episode. Im not sure exactly what to do with it. There are plenty examples in the Bible that go against our western view of "biblical marriage". I think its important to look at the thread and story of the bible. 
David did not worship any God but YHWH. Thats what I try to do. That is where we should start. Peace JM.

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