Friday, July 18, 2014

Whad do I expect from a church

What do I expect from a church? Fellowship, friends, teaching, accountability, challenges, order, evangelism, outreach, inspiration, entertainment? Those are some of the things that came to mind.

As the song says "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love." So I'll confess my flesh wants to run away. Sometimes daily. I grew up in church, we have a history. its a part of me, and I miss it when I'm not there.

God has put me in my place recently and reminded me that its not about Jason. A few weeks ago I was ready to run away from village group and EV. But I know that Life in Christ is more than me, myself, and I. I'm not meant to be a cave dweller. I've tried that, it doesn’t work for me. I am prideful. Especially when it comes to Jesus. I want things my way, If they aren't my way I usually run away. But Christ says the last will be first. Pride is a sin i struggle with, I realize that I have to keep it in check. He's still working on me with that one. As far as what Church is all about. There has to be a focus on Christ first. In reality churches are flawed. Because humans are flawed. And if your looking for a perfect church don't go cause you'll ruin it. So, we have this flawed nature, but a perfect God. And I think in all that we as a body press on for the greater good. I see room for improvement. Yes. But I feel The lord says to me. serve me more and worry less about what you think others should do.

I am thankful that by grace God keeps me in his hand. And I'm thankful for EV and EVSSVG. My birthday is coming up, so as history repeats itself it seems time again for the yearly reflection. This last year has been tough. I've failed plenty, but have also won many battles and been blessed beyond this stress. People I never knew have become family. The wandering spirit is not as loud these days. I feel loved. Thank you for that. I love you guys. Honestly. I know God has me here for a reason. I look forward to our next meeting where I can hear about all the crazy things God is doing in your life.  

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