Saturday, October 02, 2010

I would like to

Things I would like to do

Write a letter and mail it
Discover a new cemetery
Have twins
Get a minivan
Go to providence caynon
Eat some Turkish food
Find a cold fury
Finish every unfinished book I have started
Grow a beard like Zack galafinakis
Play croquet
Do the rooster dance while drinking Newcastle


Blane Young said...

I haven't written a letter (like a non-card) in forever!

Why a new cemetery?

Twins sound like a blast!

I would also like to try turkish food!

I will add a few of my own:
- write a book
- sell my first ad on my blog
- help someone through ministry burnout

JasonM said...

One of my hobbies is looking for old cemeteries around the country