Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thoughts from Earl

Thougths from My Name is Earl:

Think local. Spend 5 mins a day doing something benifitial.

We can't fix everything but we can help fix something. There are a lot of problems in the world. But there are also a lot of people to help.

Simple Idea I know. But if we step outside the (me, myself, and I) ideas that rule our days and lend a hand, or a smile, or pick up a piece of trash, or put a cart in the rack, or hold a door, or pay for a neighbors groceries, or share a cup of coffee, or tell somebody Hello how are you doing and give them time to respond and give yourself time to listen a connection will be made and a change will come

Connections. We can become dis-connected easily. With our nets, and pods, and muzacks, and isntant world. When Jesus said love your neighbor, this some of what he ment. Allow yourself to be useful to help others. And I garantee you just as Earl your karma will return to you

Those who give receive


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