Monday, October 09, 2006

I looked over the mountain

and what did I see?

Just returned today from a few days in the hills of Cherokee NC. I took many images. 3 film worth. I wen't low tech this time with 2 disposable cameras and a double exposed lomolito that i'm going to get crossed processed.

It was fun to shoot from the hip. We will have to wait for the results. Hopefully sooner than far. There were lots of conversation time with my dad and uncle jim. Also a lot of good eats and good drinks. It made me realize how much I love conversations. But more than that how much I love listening. Thats something thats hard to do on the net (listen). So my challenge is to listen more each day. Type less and talk more. And also new film is on the way. So my challenge is to produce. And stop slacking. I want to create a Long Exposure nightime black and white series. . I have a tripod now so that will be easier to do. We will see what happens. Those thoughts are in the beginning stages.

Its nice to have a bit more muse thanks to the camp trip. I hope it lingers

Hope all of you are well


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of and speaking of you this weekend during your camping trip. Glad to hear that all went well and that film was exposed. I am looking forward to the long exposure black and white set. Keep me posted.