Sunday, May 14, 2006

So when I went outside the other day my pepper plants had buds on them

It has been very meditative to watch the plants grow. So far we have 1 grape tomato plant which is about 4 feet tall one peminto pepper one tobasco and a few bananna peppers. Not sure what I'm going to do with all these peppers but I'll figure that out when they get here, maybe you will be recieving a gift of them in some pickeled, state in late summer

The house has been quiet for a few days since the roomates have left for the weekend, but that is coming to a close and the hollah will return.

The camera still sits on the desk, the photo-muse hasn't been very strong lately. But I think I will purchase a book called letting go of the camera
which should bring some interesting discussions about art.

These are the "salad days " the days where things run smoothly and peacfully


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