Friday, July 22, 2005

fair trade

If you made minimum wage could you afford a 2 dollar cup of coffee?

Can a person who farms on a coffee plantation walk into a gourmet coffee shop and buy a cup of the product from which he farmed

With so many issues in the world it may seem that there isn't much that we can do. But there are a few things that I am trying to do something about. This is one of them. The Fair Trade of the import of coffee is very important to me. You might say well why is that important. Huge corporations are usually involved in the importing of coffee. So they generally buy beans from very cheap sources and make their blends. This brings the demand for single origin coffee growers lover and drives the price down. The smaller farmers can not compete with the bargain buyers. A fair trade initiative sets a fair price for the farmer and helps them receive what is due to them. Usually the bargain buyers pay around 80 cents where fair trade is closer to $1.20 a for a pound of coffee beans

So what can we do?

1. Be informed

2. If you love Coffee love those who grow the coffee and encourage your cafe/coffee stop to do the same

Change can occur. It already is happening it just needs to happen more.

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