Sunday, November 05, 2023

It's a good beer


One time before covid times me and Rebecca went out downtown to SAV to visit a few of our favorite local spots to have a few good drinks..  A lot of ppl don't know that Rebecca could hold her own when it came to drinking.  She always seemed to enjoy a good drink but never had a problem with it taking over.. anyway. ....The Budweiser story.

So after visiting a few spots and enjoying our time together we decided to go down the steps to pour Larry's I believe.. They had this front bar which we sat at.  So, as we sat Rebecca pops in and said . Let me get a Budweiser.. I'm thinking what...why.. it's so bad ( least favorite beer). I don't remember her ever drinking the king of beers.. so I said ok. And we got two.  She then seems to enjoy it and told me "that's a good beer". We laughed and enjoyed our night and took a ride share home safely....

Every once in a while I would pick up a red can for her and say hey here you go that's a good beer.. 

Rebecca was able to be who she was most of the time. Be it drinking a Bud or going to a prayer retreat.. She was confident in who she was, take it our leave it. I tried my best to let her be who she wanted to be. She helped me become the man who I am and be confident with paddling my own canoe

It's been almost 2 years since she left me. I'm more and more the man who she helped me want to become and I love and honor her today as I drink a good beer ✌️🐸

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