Thursday, April 03, 2014

The Noah Discussion

Version 1 so since a lot are chiming in. Here is my thoughts on the Noah Film. As A film I really liked it. It wrapped you in as any great action movie with heart would. As the spiritual side I liked the humanity of noah, the inspiration of something better to come, how they told the creation story, As far as the controversies We don't hear Noah speak till after the flood. I'm sure he spoke plenty during the 20-40 years it took him to build the ark. The In between story is for the imagination. I'm Not sure why they didn't include wives on the ark. I don't know why they didn't include a literal voice of God. Artistic license. Nobody knows what the Nephilim looked like. If I was to tell the story of noah to my child I could read the scripture, or tell the story from heart and add details as all great story tellers do. Its not a biblical documentary its a story about faith and love and the creator and the good and bad and in between.

Version 2 
I would say those with great faith have have great moments of no faith.  see psalm 13:1 "how long o lord will you forget me"   I think Noah was a great movie of Faith.  As far as the critics go... We don't hear from Noah in the text until after the flood. So Any movie would have to be silent for the main part to adhere to the text.  Also We have no idea what the nephilim looked like.   Maybe they were rock monsters. idk.  I think the movie was visually awesome, story telling awesome, acting awesome.  yes I liked it.  I see it as a retelling story of a bible story.  It wasn't a biblical documentary.   Did Michelangelo see the angels and the last supper? No. He presented his vision of heaven and God in his art.  The church needs to put forth great art.  Judge on the art, not the label it is given by those in powerful positions.