Friday, October 14, 2011

A call to be set apart.

Mark chapter 9 came to mind this morning.
Our church is in an infant stage of a revolution I believe. We have been here before, but in the past it fizzles out. We are on the verge I believe through God in bringing new souls into the kingdom. For this to happen Old ways have to change. We can not be afraid of having the "Samaritans" of the world with us. If you notice most of our growth has been transfer growth. We need new growth. We need to bring new souls into Gods kingdom. When we reach (By the Holy Sprit) (Through the Father) John Non Believer we are fulfilling Gods commission.
So, what will it take to go into the next level? I believe the key is Sacrifice. I'm terrible at it. I want things my way. So this leading is personal. I am preaching to myself. I do believe there is a lesson for the greater good. It has been some time since the idea of a fast has come to mind . But I do now believe it has come again. Last night while driving to the church board meeting I had a moment. I was looking at the pine trees on the side of HWY 67. The verse "even the rocks cry out" came to mind. I imagined the trees lifting their limbs to praise God. They were reaching to heaven calling out Holy Holy Holy. They are reaching to heaven in Awe.
We need to do the same.
Mark 9:23
Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
29 So He said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."
It is on my spirit to pray and seek guidance for a fast / setting apart "consecration" of myself and of the church. I felt led to share this with you. I hope it speaks to you.