I think this is a slippery slope, if we look at Romans 1 we see some things. We receive grace from Jesus, We are also called to bring the "Obedience" of faith (v5) We in Christ are also called saints ( v7). I am not looking to take that away. But what I am worried about is that TEC is supporting things which I consider IMO an immoral choice. I think this is more than a bathroom issue, they allowed said person to use a unisex facility.( he didn't want that) It seems this has gone from a small issue to an issue taken over by larger agendas. So can the TEC accept all? IMO.. NOT AT ALL!. We can welcome you, but it is our duty to as we used to say "bring the sinner to Jesus" I feel bad for the child. I do have compassion for him. I think they have been wrapped up in something larger. Will the bishop accept and welcome anything and everything? IDK I do not think That is what the Jesus movement did. (Jesus brought outsiders inside and loved them to bring change). I do believe transformation starts with Love. God love us but wants better for us. B.C said we should value the variety of our shared Humanity. Paul said the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness" (v18) My Q comes to this. Is Gender Dysphoria a natural function? I think not. I believe it is unnatural. Paul says men abandoned their natural function and God gave them over to a depraved mind to do things which are not proper. (v27-28) my point i think is as Pauls said in (1 Corin 10:23) You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is good for you. You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is beneficial". I am worried and concerned that TEC supports things that are not beneficial to Humanity and are not proper. what do we stand for? Do we bow to every cultural pull? Big issues, they will not be resolved likely. But I think we need to openly discuss things such as Godliness and righteousness and what it means today.
So we disagree, and that ok. I'm ok with that. That's why we have grace--peace JM