Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday I think

Monday: SB in the new place

Me and H went for a walk today. Its nice to have a place to walk. It always felt way to dangerous to walk at the old place

Tuesday: B-town and working a day job at a store
and the day that I arrived i.e. my birthday:
....Friday (or sooner) back in SB
Saturday: {Party at the Hosta De La Oz}
Sunday B-town for dad's birthday

still not comp hooked up, my housemate J has not been here so I'm not sure how to get hooked into the cable modem

If you want to open a deli in downtown statesboro or a coffee shop in swainsboro I'm your Guy...ya herd!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Movin some rain

been moving and its raining

what a beautiful day in statesboro. I love it when its a quiet rainy afternoon / evening

its as if the land is gulping up the rain and saying thank you. Everything seems greener. Its been a hot week and the showers today sure are inviting. Its also nice to wear a pair of jeans which usually can't be done when its a hundred degrees. My stuff is boxed up and in my new room, and I'm on a friends comp. It will be a few days till I'm settled. But this rain has me itchin to take some pics so I hope to do so soon. I remember something that shown about Ansel Adams that he said that weather gave nature character.

have character