There was a nice corner lot that I passed on my way to work. It had some pines on it but it looked like a great place to have a picnic. I never got to have that picnic. It now has been sold and the tractors are there clearing the pines. I can now see the store through that lot which I used to not be able to.
The ironic thing to me is that pines are not native to georgia. so somebody planted them there. Say 100 years ago. Now they are gone again.
At what cost will progess lead our town into a surburban bypass? Why must people build new stores instead of filling the empty ones? At what point will progress change the character of this place into another booring strip mall. Theese are hard questions. I'm part of the progress. My workplace used to be a forest. We have the spiders to proove it. The trees left the spiders stayed. One day this will be gone and the spiders will probably still be here.
seeing the lot cleared I guess put me in a thinking frame of mind. Or maybe i'm a tree-hugger. lol
also Geldof in Arica, a documentary was on tv last night. I cought some of the ned of it. If your interested in africa and the human condition its a great film. This guy has been trying to help that place for 20 years. So thanks bob.