Tuesday, March 05, 2013

I hate you. You hate me.

Racism is as old as time: From numbers 12.   Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife (most agree she was from Ethiopia).  The lord came down and called out Miriam and Aaron.   Then Miriam was given leprosy.  Moses being a humble man asked God to heal her.  And he did after 7 days....  Various groups of people have used their banner of faith to promote racism.  Slavery in many cultures was believed to be a divine right.  Many foreign people were massacred as "Godless Heathens"

 As a child we were taught that we all are all sons of Abraham.  (i am one of them and so are you).  If more people remembered what they learned as a child, we would live in a better world.  

When I hear a person of professed faith use use a racial slurs it boils my blood.  The ignorance needs to be addressed in the church today.  We are segregated.  I put part of the blame on the Religious Right, The Southern baptist convention, and other groups that have dug their heels in.  These heel diggers have decided that they do not want change. They have dug a division trench in the church and decided that your either "our kind" or against us.

"But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.  James 2:9"

I'm breaking the chain.  My daughter will be taught to accept and learn to love all races. I am going to try my best to raise her not to favorite one skin color over the other.  I want her to know and remember that  she is a daughter of Abraham and has many brothers and sisters.

I am one of them
And So are you
So lets all praise the lord
