Friday, October 29, 2010

We live in a divided land.

We live in a divided land.

In 2010 I can not see how there are still racists in the world today. You would think the church would be different. Spencer used to say Sunday 11am is the most segregated hour in America. So this is my story and why I am not racist.

I don't remember many times where my parents showed me negative actions towards those of other races. One time in elementary school I got in trouble for saying something racist. Ended up getting in a tussle over it. I remember my mom's disappointment in me after hearing what I said. My grandfather fraught to bring integration to south Georgia in the 50's. My my other grandparents housed boarders. So I have a family history of being accepting of others. But also the cone forefathers in Bulloch owned slaves. I had others in my line fight for the Confederacy.

During high school I was basically paranoid of other races. I was worried what they would do or say. I didn't really have any non white friends. At my 1st school there were very few non whites there. It was pretty segregated.

FLAC helped me find a heart for people. It helped me take the idea of respecting everybody everybody, and grow it to love people. I also changed when I came to Statesboro. I met my my Turkish friends Y and K. They thought me that Muslims in America are generally very smart and friendly. I enjoy today talking to immigrants and people from other countries.

I who was one of the biggest influences in my life as a christian was of mixed race. I think a lot of people are racist because they lack exposure. Going to spirit and truth church was the 1st time I felt love from a black person because we were both brothers in Christ. Every time D gave me a hug I felt like he was going to squeeze me to death. We were an odd pair. He was tall, and big. I was short. But we have great conversations. I do think he was placed in my life to Show me something. Which he did. There was L. He helped me see that being "Illegal" didn't really matter He was a Mexican who's parents came here for a better life. There have been more recently. C, M and J.

When it comes down to it. There are good people and bad people. In 2010 I don't have time to not see the best in somebody because they are different. This is an old story even in the church we are segregated

Moses married an Ethiopian woman.

Numbers 12:1

And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married.

How I became less racist

Help people who are different because they are human beings

Find people who you connect with who are different and break bread with them. You learn more about somebody when you eat with them

Don't let the cycle of racism continue. Try not to talk bad about people or generalize about races

Love people because God loved you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breaking the Rurals

Transforming Church in Rural America

By Shannon O’Dell
Published by New Leaf

Shannon O'dell went from a mainstream modern church to a rural church in Arkansas. This books follows his journey from his decision making process to the way he brought this new church to a multi campus international congregation. This book was a very good inspiration. It shared a lot about his journey. It also presented a lot of tangible things we can use to improve the Church.

The chapters flowed easily. It was easy to read. I really liked the part about how we are supposed to get rid of our golden idols. Shannon's method is unique. His foundation is biblical. He gave a lot of ministry tips and resources. If you are looking for a book to give you some ideas for your church, or a book to encourage you as a leader than this is it. I would also recommend this for any pastor. I liked his v.a.l.u.e. ideas.
Vision, Attitude, Leadership, Understanding, and Excellence.

His best quote, which goes throughout the book is that small big does not mean great. Weather we are small or large. God wants us to be excellent.

This book was both theologically challenging and entertaining.

This books inspired me to be a better leader. I would recommend it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”