So here is the deal. I'm listening to I tunes and i'm like whaa whaa I have these cool songs on there. Its always nice to find a hidden song
of course with a music junkee its easy
so here is a quick pick just to get something out there its been a while. A typical JM out the window. I need to do a series of these. I was trying to catch a water tower while not wrecking but missed it. I got luered into a sweepstake. I'm usually not that gullible. So I have to remember to cancel what I suscribed to. All the things I subscribed to were trial subscriptions, just 2 of them. I was trying to win a camera.
those things rarely work
oh p.s. If you have an extra camera that you want to give a good home to send it my way
or if you want to buy me a Nikon D70. Holla at a friend
I need to do something worthwhile
peace and to my home here I come