Friday, September 16, 2005

So here is it

So here is the deal. I'm listening to I tunes and i'm like whaa whaa I have these cool songs on there. Its always nice to find a hidden song

of course with a music junkee its easy

so here is a quick pick just to get something out there its been a while. A typical JM out the window. I need to do a series of these. I was trying to catch a water tower while not wrecking but missed it. I got luered into a sweepstake. I'm usually not that gullible. So I have to remember to cancel what I suscribed to. All the things I subscribed to were trial subscriptions, just 2 of them. I was trying to win a camera.

those things rarely work
oh p.s. If you have an extra camera that you want to give a good home to send it my way

or if you want to buy me a Nikon D70. Holla at a friend

I need to do something worthwhile


peace and to my home here I come

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Where were you 9-12-01. I know where I was. I was in my sisters room in Brunswick at my parents house playing my guitar while my tape deck was recording.

There are many songs in my heart. Songs of love, songs of faith, songs of despair. But this tape labeled 9-12-01 Is definitely one that stands out. I have many tapes of my playing probably about 20 or so.

But this one especially as I am listening to now, I haven't in a while still haunts me. Especially since when I listen to it it takes me back 4 years which seems like moons and moons ago. Some of the songs some are screams, some are crys some are ironic.

There are songs in my mind and in my soul. Sometimes it feels like they are screaming to get out. I feel now a need to play, a need to shout, a need to play as in the old days till my arms went numb

so anyhow that's my deep moment for the day
I need to take PICTURES BTW holla at DK if your nearby

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

In Case

In Case you read this


In case you are not reading this than Hello to you who are not reading this


dental surgery, w/ no major problems so far. Not a lot of picture takings, wen't on the tybee casino boat and got kind of sick, kind of a bumed out week

but i'm still here and the weather was nice today
