Friday, November 12, 2010

The Message of the Lords Prayer pt 2

Keep is Alive with 3 Square meals

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving ourselves

Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.



Most of us love to go out to eat. Food is a pleasure and a basic need. Not all have this luxury.   925 million people in the world do not have enough to eat.  This is more than the U.S. population.  65% of the worlds hungry live in 7 countries:   India, China, Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ethiopia.  1 in 4 Children in developing countries are underweight. 

This section of the prayer is asking God to provide for us. God is here to provide for our most basic needs.

Which is worse? Murder or Outbursts of Anger? Galatians 5:19 says that both of these are works of the flesh and those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. All of us have sinned. We need God's forgiveness.

We are are own worst enemy. The only person who can keep you from God is You.

There are 2 things to know about the devil. 1. God is in control of the devil. 2. His power is allowed.

The more influence you give him the more he has. Personally I'd rather not waste my time on the devil. I have more important things to think about.

Monday, November 08, 2010

The message of Lords Prayer 1.

Last week marked the start of Christmas Play Practice. Heather is the director. Its called Nativity Idol. The New devotion series is based on the 3 parts of the Lords Prayer from The Message Bible.

2 Inspirations for this are 1. Derek webb's new record feedback, 2 The Lords Prayer by Shane and Shane on their work Everything is different.

The Lords Prayer – The Message
Our Father in heaven
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.

Our is the most important word in this Verse. Jesus came to bring us a Living God. Not a Golden cow Our God is reachable. Jesus asked God to reveal him to us. We are funy, Creative, smart, cool creatures. God is the same. When we look at ourselves we see images of God. There are many problems in the world today. Jesus came to become God to us. God wants the world to be right. Jesus came to bring Heaven to earth.

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel.. (which means “God with us”)