Man there is a lot going on. My City of my Birth is now a bathtub, even though the family only let me live there for a few months before they moved to Georgia. New-Orleans will always be where I 1st entered this world.
There seems to be a bit of Gas panic also. Especially yesterday i heard multiple rumors about there being no more gas so It actually wen't up about 50 cents in a few hours. Which in economic terms is about impossible. But when people panic and freak out bad things happen. So people think rationally about running to the gas station. I"m going to try and walk or ride a bike more. The only way prices will come down is if people drive less.
I feel like I have tons of stuff to do. But rarely get anything done. So I made a list. lol.
Things I need to do
Go to the dentist ( i'm going today)
Write a Song
Play my Guitar
Finish the rolls of film which are sitting in my various cameras
Develop the Existing Ones
Order Printer Ink
Find a Job
Have a Quiet Moment
Take a Walk with Heather
Be Creative
Be more Productive
Convince the World to stop driving so much so Gas prices do down
Show more Love
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