Thursday, December 23, 2010

to be frank: a message about Frank and Albert

Ok world here we go. This is my opinion about "Don't ask don't tell"

If Frank and Albert want to join the military and kill people than they should be able to.  Is it worse them being gay in the military or killing innocent people?


The Military has killed innocent people under the "cost of war" countless times.  There is nothing smart about a bomb. 


Therefore it is my logic that a "moral" code of not allowing open homosexuals in the military (an immoral organization) is that you can not morally regulate the immoral.  I've never been in the military, I generally think the military is wrong.


What I do care about is this.  I have a friend who is gay, he has lived with his partner for many years. If we are supposed to love everyone we should not discriminate against those because of who they choose to love.   Who said that? Jesus.  


I'd rather be friends with an honest gay man than a backstabbing christian. And honestly I've met a lot more Pharisees in 2010 than evil gay people.



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

what if i stumble when the building crumbles

What if i stumble when the building crumbles, when the road calls up yonder I'll be there.

Psalm 13. Is the unsure verse. Its for the weak, or as Brennan manning used to say the ragamuffins. I appreciate the humanity of it. Its for those of us who do not have everything together. If you know me, you know I don't have everything together. Later times are better. but most of my Christian walk I have said over and over

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

David was unsure. I am unsure. One line David says "how long o lord will you forget me?" How can God's king, a man after God's own heart, the chosen one for the promised people, feel that the Lord has forgotten him? People, especially those who have seen or heard from God seem to have a stronger longing for the lord. We know what is there but our sin, and humanity separates us from God. Our self wants for the lord.

When things look the bleakest. The refrain is set.

I will sing the LORD’s praise,
for he has been good to me.

Its not a sin to ask Where are you God, or what am I doing. I think God wants us to do that. But he also wants us to have faith in the greater cause. The ending. The fact that God is there for us. and he has been good to us.

trust in your unfailing love". It shows that we don't have to have it all together and be perfect in our faith. If stuff is falling apart, Let it crumble, and when its in ruins, Rebuild. It takes a building to be demolished to be rebuilt.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The message of the Lords Prayer pt 3

You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
The Message

For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever. Amen.

The conclusion of the Lords prayer is an acknowledgement of the Authority of God. Jesus did not have to proclaim the authority of God. He never said I am in charge. He said God is in charge. The greatest commandment is to Love others. All else falls under Love. A definition of ablaze is brightly illuminated. Everything about God is good. Yes. Its like Jesus is saying Agree! Agree! Agree! Amen is a word of agreement. Next time somebody says or does something good say Amen.

One definition of the word Amen is So be it. I think the most important thing about this prayer is that right before it was spoken Jesus said God knows what you need before you ask him. Prayer is a conversation. It is possible the people who heard this had never prayed before. Their God was not personable. They were afraid to even say his name. Jesus shows us we have a God who is in reach for ever Amen.

Monday, November 15, 2010

No time to Wait

 How long O Lord?

Will you forget me forever?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts?

Give light to my eyes or I will sleep in Death

But I will trust in your love.  My heart rejoices in your salvation.

     From Psalm 13


I like the word "Now" a lot more than the words "Not Yet".   My wife, and I have been waiting for something that seems out of reach.  To have a child.  As the time of waiting comes closer to a conclusion we will either had a really good answer or the answer that we do not desire.   I do feel like this time of waiting has brought H and Me to a stronger faith in the lord.   It has also helped me become more of a spiritual leader.  Waiting causes you to lean on the Lord.   His clock has it on rhythm.  I do feel like King David. Give me light or I will die / I will trust in your love. One side of the heart says I cannot take it anymore and the other side says I will praise your name O God. Some would have ran away by now. Trust me the old me sometimes wants to run into the woods and never return. God does not want me to be a cave dweller. My life is to be in the world, not hiding from the world. Some would have given up by now. H's desire has increased mine. Quitting is not an option.  H has wanted this for a very long time. Its less of a want and more like a longing. It's as if her being is in part until she has this. The closer it gets the more I want it. So we do not run away, we press on and will finish well. The glory of the lord will be revealed through this. Faith is trusting the "Not Yet" and knowing that God has a "Now" in his plan.


Friday, November 12, 2010

The Message of the Lords Prayer pt 2

Keep is Alive with 3 Square meals

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving ourselves

Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.



Most of us love to go out to eat. Food is a pleasure and a basic need. Not all have this luxury.   925 million people in the world do not have enough to eat.  This is more than the U.S. population.  65% of the worlds hungry live in 7 countries:   India, China, Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Ethiopia.  1 in 4 Children in developing countries are underweight. 

This section of the prayer is asking God to provide for us. God is here to provide for our most basic needs.

Which is worse? Murder or Outbursts of Anger? Galatians 5:19 says that both of these are works of the flesh and those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. All of us have sinned. We need God's forgiveness.

We are are own worst enemy. The only person who can keep you from God is You.

There are 2 things to know about the devil. 1. God is in control of the devil. 2. His power is allowed.

The more influence you give him the more he has. Personally I'd rather not waste my time on the devil. I have more important things to think about.

Monday, November 08, 2010

The message of Lords Prayer 1.

Last week marked the start of Christmas Play Practice. Heather is the director. Its called Nativity Idol. The New devotion series is based on the 3 parts of the Lords Prayer from The Message Bible.

2 Inspirations for this are 1. Derek webb's new record feedback, 2 The Lords Prayer by Shane and Shane on their work Everything is different.

The Lords Prayer – The Message
Our Father in heaven
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.

Our is the most important word in this Verse. Jesus came to bring us a Living God. Not a Golden cow Our God is reachable. Jesus asked God to reveal him to us. We are funy, Creative, smart, cool creatures. God is the same. When we look at ourselves we see images of God. There are many problems in the world today. Jesus came to become God to us. God wants the world to be right. Jesus came to bring Heaven to earth.

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel.. (which means “God with us”)

Friday, October 29, 2010

We live in a divided land.

We live in a divided land.

In 2010 I can not see how there are still racists in the world today. You would think the church would be different. Spencer used to say Sunday 11am is the most segregated hour in America. So this is my story and why I am not racist.

I don't remember many times where my parents showed me negative actions towards those of other races. One time in elementary school I got in trouble for saying something racist. Ended up getting in a tussle over it. I remember my mom's disappointment in me after hearing what I said. My grandfather fraught to bring integration to south Georgia in the 50's. My my other grandparents housed boarders. So I have a family history of being accepting of others. But also the cone forefathers in Bulloch owned slaves. I had others in my line fight for the Confederacy.

During high school I was basically paranoid of other races. I was worried what they would do or say. I didn't really have any non white friends. At my 1st school there were very few non whites there. It was pretty segregated.

FLAC helped me find a heart for people. It helped me take the idea of respecting everybody everybody, and grow it to love people. I also changed when I came to Statesboro. I met my my Turkish friends Y and K. They thought me that Muslims in America are generally very smart and friendly. I enjoy today talking to immigrants and people from other countries.

I who was one of the biggest influences in my life as a christian was of mixed race. I think a lot of people are racist because they lack exposure. Going to spirit and truth church was the 1st time I felt love from a black person because we were both brothers in Christ. Every time D gave me a hug I felt like he was going to squeeze me to death. We were an odd pair. He was tall, and big. I was short. But we have great conversations. I do think he was placed in my life to Show me something. Which he did. There was L. He helped me see that being "Illegal" didn't really matter He was a Mexican who's parents came here for a better life. There have been more recently. C, M and J.

When it comes down to it. There are good people and bad people. In 2010 I don't have time to not see the best in somebody because they are different. This is an old story even in the church we are segregated

Moses married an Ethiopian woman.

Numbers 12:1

And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married.

How I became less racist

Help people who are different because they are human beings

Find people who you connect with who are different and break bread with them. You learn more about somebody when you eat with them

Don't let the cycle of racism continue. Try not to talk bad about people or generalize about races

Love people because God loved you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breaking the Rurals

Transforming Church in Rural America

By Shannon O’Dell
Published by New Leaf

Shannon O'dell went from a mainstream modern church to a rural church in Arkansas. This books follows his journey from his decision making process to the way he brought this new church to a multi campus international congregation. This book was a very good inspiration. It shared a lot about his journey. It also presented a lot of tangible things we can use to improve the Church.

The chapters flowed easily. It was easy to read. I really liked the part about how we are supposed to get rid of our golden idols. Shannon's method is unique. His foundation is biblical. He gave a lot of ministry tips and resources. If you are looking for a book to give you some ideas for your church, or a book to encourage you as a leader than this is it. I would also recommend this for any pastor. I liked his v.a.l.u.e. ideas.
Vision, Attitude, Leadership, Understanding, and Excellence.

His best quote, which goes throughout the book is that small big does not mean great. Weather we are small or large. God wants us to be excellent.

This book was both theologically challenging and entertaining.

This books inspired me to be a better leader. I would recommend it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome Latvia

Somebody visited me from Latvia. Welcome!

Fair yesterday
Heather birthday tomorrow
Revival and homecoming this week

Busy week

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The trees raise their limbs to praise the most high God

Monday, October 18, 2010

PC & PJ Visionaries

I have been to a lot of churches. Simply Put. Preached to, at, around, and ignored. I've been put to sleep, encouraged, made so mad I walked out, deceived, and taught a lot of valuable lessons. The only constant factor in my church journey is me.

I've had 2 pastors. (shepherds).

Both of these are Visionaries. I met Both Pastor Chris - Family Life Church and Pastor Johnson- Spirit and Truth Worship Center because of friends. Evangelism is most effective when you bring somebody to church with you. I was there for a season, and now I am in a new place. My faith has a stronger foundation because of their vision.

So what does it take to be a visionary pastor?  Where do I go from here.

Love your congregation.

Be there for them. If they resist, require scheduled meetings for all servant leaders. Have times avail for counseling. Do stuff with your church outside of Church.  Each of my visionaries made time for me and had leaders around them who did the same.  Each of my pastors let their ministers minister to others. They both put the rule down and were in charge but also allowed those under them to lead.

A Visionary is an out of the box person

When I met Pastor Chris at Family Life, I wasn't sure what to think. FLAC had more TV's in their church than I had in my house. He exemplified the phrase be Odd For God.

They worshiped in downtown Brunswick, this was before downtown was as cool as it now, it was half empty in those days. They were in an old store. They had a blue bus, they went to the housing projects weekly, and had a multi-ethnic soul saving congregation. Normal Churches do not love people. They love their status. FLAC / Spirit and Truth love people because the visionaries lead them to.


Welcome to the Family was their mantra. We had addicts, mental health patients, poor people, rich people.   We had people who knew Jesus well and those were were not even introduced to him yet.

Pastor Paul started Radicals in Christ bible study on the Georgia southern campus. Then they transformed to spirit and truth worship center. Pastor Paul's Vision of God was an endless God. We had people get cars, houses, jobs. Lives were transformed, God was revealed as being much much bigger than we thought.  He led everyday joes into becoming disciples. He led us into believing that we served a transforming God who could take anything and make it grand.

A Visionary knows where they are going

Ask PC or PJ, where are you going in your ministry. I am confident that they would give many many answers. A visionary pastor observes everything he can. He lets people lead, helps the wandering believers, and looks for new people to join the fold.


Where do I go from here.

It is my turn to set forth vision. Me and Heather have about 10 youth every Wednesday.  Thats the good part.  We have had basically the same numbers for 3 years. We need a fresh vision on where to take it. We are part of a church that lacks a strong vision. My friend Doug who is a pastor said. I need to support my Pastor. Pastor Jim has been there for almost 3 years. I am a church member, deacon, so until the lord calls me somewhere else or home he is my guy. All I can do is take what I've learned and use it. As we used to say "You Caan Doo It"

Shannon O'Dell said to find something I can do for for Pastor Jim and do it for him. Basically Serve the leader.

I was was willing to do anything for Pastor Chis or Pastor Johnson. If I am a believer I need to believe that God wants me to have the same attitude with pastor Jim.

When young Jews were schooled they hoped to be under the authority of a Rabbi. That was one of their greatest desires. But as time went by you either continued under the rabbi by his choice, or went home to work. Only the select few were chosen to be taught directly by the rabbi.


Jesus wasn't. He went home to work. Neither were the disciples. They wanted a Rabbi. When Jesus started his ministry his followers called him Rabbi. So, he was both devine, and as a rabbi in their eyes he was also the authority of God to them. Pastor Jim was either appointed by God or our church is a lie. Those are the 2 options. Wise men decided he was the right minister for us. Men who I respect. So If I deny the authority of Pastor Jim I am also denying the authority of God. The more obedient I am to God the more obedient I will be to the Visionary in my life today.

Pastor Jim visited the hospital during Heather's Surgery last month: A visionary loves their congregation

Visionaries inspire Followers to come closer to God. The Vision is Emanuel. God With Us!


E-mail test one

Email Blog Test 1
Can you Hear Me Major Tom?

Saturday, October 02, 2010

I would like to

Things I would like to do

Write a letter and mail it
Discover a new cemetery
Have twins
Get a minivan
Go to providence caynon
Eat some Turkish food
Find a cold fury
Finish every unfinished book I have started
Grow a beard like Zack galafinakis
Play croquet
Do the rooster dance while drinking Newcastle

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wish i was with mary so I could jump in to the picture.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Rick and Bubba's Guide to

Rick and Bubba's Guide to the almost nearly perfect marriage. Is a collection of stories written buy Radio hosts Rick Burgess and Bill Bubba Bussey. It describes in a few easy going fashion different stories from their marriage. This book has some very funny moments and some very heart filled stories also.

I really liked this book. Its easy going. Informative, and its a good read for a husband or a wife. This is one of those books you can pick up at any time.

Its a very good read.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Rocking the french coffee this morning. Intense

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

5 Finger Gospel

I asked the Church youth the other day what is the gospel? Some said. God, the bible, Jesus. None really knew how to explain the gospel. We had to get to the answer together. So I was thinking about a way to teach the gospel. Take your hand, the index is 1 and the thumb is five.

Here is the gospel in 5

1. Creator God (points up). Creation proves the creator.
2. God and man were together but sin seperated man from God (2 together become 1 and 2 apart)
3. God Sent Jesus. The Super 3. Father, Son, and Spirit. God with us.
4. Jesus died 4 our sins and rose again
5. If we accept Jesus as Lord (leader) Savior we (points to himself) will live forever.

So thats my Gospel in five.



This morning I made smoothies for me and Heather. Love that Ninja.
Lilly is trying to get under the blanket, but not able to. Pionneer club tonight. Talking about Jesus as head of the church.


This morning I made smoothies for me and Heather. Gotta love that Ninja. Pionner club tonight. I pray the lord moves.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bury me Beaneath the Pine Tree

It seems there is an endless drive in my mind and spirit to find the yet undiscovered cemetery. At the best I figure it comes from two places. I remember walking in the graveyard across from the church in Glenmora looking for old relatives. Whenever we we were there we also walked to the other cemetary to see pa pa and ma ma mac. One of the great things my grandfather Ed Cone did was find and old cemetery and improve it. Those two things plus a general curiosity have led me to find and seek out yet undiscovered cemeteries.

I wonder about the names that are there. Who were they? How did they die? I imagine about the families that lost young multiple children. Or the war veterans. I look for the soilders, mothers and fathers. I wonder about the unmarked graves.

If I had the choice I would like to be burried at the Old Jerusalem Church Cemetery in Bryan County. Its off the highway down a dirt road. It is a clear square surrounded by pine trees.

I know that the resting place is only a temporay piece of the puzzle. I like cemeteries. They don't reallly spook me or scare me. They are usually quiet serene places. The other day I discovered one of bullochs old ones. It was in the far reaches of the county. One day I hope people visit me when I am gone and know that I considered my plot a happy place not a sad place.

Bury me Beneath the Old Pine tree Lord
So I can hear the wind beneath my feet
Lead me to Jerusalem so I can walk the streets of God