Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I am southenrn but not a redneck. Country but not a Farmer.
I say yes mamn and Yall
I know how to skin a catfish and catch a bream
I'm Swampwise and a Simple Man
I'm boastfull and proud but not prideful

What can be more Southern than to obsess about being Southern?"
--Elizabeth Fortson Arroyo

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Being Rushed

Murphy seems to sit down in the way of my path when I am rushed. This morning I am not rushed. I am sliding into today nice and peacefully.

my motto should be slow and low

as the bahamian driver said we have 2 speeds slow and stop

have a good day
its worth it


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

a redux

Redoing the Blog again:

Thought for the moment

If you blog it it will happen. Blappin

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ethiopian-backed troops are in "complete control" of Somalia's capital after fierce fighting, the PM says. (BBC News)
The 1st thing I remember about ethopia is the (84-85) Famine. I think most of us remember the images on tv. Of course for me I was a youngin so I saw it recapped. I'd say it is one of the events that led america to wake up to africa and the things that were going over there.


Ehopia BBC Profile