New Words of my day
Swanky: Wow ain't that swanky
Booughe: from the word bourgeoisie man that is so booughe, meaning overly rich looking but in a silly way. as of things you might find in an import store.
I laugh so hard today it hurt. I love it when that happens.
Another week, another interview, another Hot summer day.
"you have to deal with the hand your dealt with."
Well no duhh. If you Weren't given that hand you would not have to deal with it
and one more classic from the olden golden days of Gallagher
Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
JM aka: Oscar
Jason, most excellent site- I've really enjoyed your words this, I only wish I had a french press near by with a sack of organic fair trade beans to go with it! The photo posts are a great touch- looking forward to seeing more- that and your thoughts on digital...I always find myself thinking back, way back, to when photography was first making its appearance in the world. The conflicts that came about, those that embraced it, those that thought it was a sin(to capture the image of man/woman) and the struggle that ensued. After a long hard road, photography is making its way...and now, digital is facing the same warm embrace and the same cold shoulder...only time will tell of its road ahead. But, until then- I will be happy to discuss the options that lie ahead.
"You have to deal with the hand you're dealt with."
Perhaps this is an overly-used phrase, but if you think about what it truly means, it does hold merit. And really, it's a simple way of saying what most people don't want to deal with.
Most aren't happy with what their realities are in life. Most don't admit to this, though, because they want to put on a front that things are okay. It's why people stay in jobs they shouldn't, why they carry on romantic relationships they shouldn't, why they don't take more courageous steps in life, and so on.
And the only way we are going to overcome any of this is through God's direction in our lives. Who knows if you believe in Him or not, although when it boils down to it, most believe in Him yet don't truly follow Him, so what they believe doesn't amount to much when all is said and done. The "trick" to truly embracing life and peace is to follow Him with everything we have in us, regardless of what things or people we must give up on here on earth to do that.
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