The Old Coffee Road represents things that inspire me. They are things that Invocate me and Activate me. I dream of the near future, and the past whispers while enjoying friends, travelling, photography, and great food. I am a Saint and a Sinner. ~JM
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
i'm in brunswick this morning. I came home for the night b/c I wasn't able to see the folks much during the holidays and they are off from work.
I need a government job so I get more time
new years resolutions:
I know its early but here they are in no particular order
Join some non for profit orgs i.e Emmanuel Arts, The Averitt, Ogechee River Keeper
Visit State and Regional Parks More often and buy a parking pass
Go Fishing
Take Pictures of People
Buy a Micro-Plane and a block of Parmesean Cheese
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
a new toy
i printed a few pics they turned out pretty good.
so thats a relief
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
things to do things to do

Gallery Show
as part of Statesboro’s First Friday
32 East Main
Statesboro, GA
The photographic works of Jason McNicoll
Opening reception on Friday. 5pm-7pm
Many things to do till the show is ready
I did order some legion paper, and start on my artist statement. It should all come together. I'm sure I'll have to do some late night printing. Hopefully the mind will be clearer after this week of ho ho ho till you drop is over
So have a great christkwanhannafestivus to all of ya'll and don't drink too much eggnog if you do watch out for roaming grandma's and reindeer
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
today w/ my community coffee
I saw that it is offered in BiLo Grocery store which is pretty nice of them to do so. Since it wasn't available much places except louisana
The job is going, i'm having to have a bit of a re-adjustment time. But so far so good.
tis it for now
I need to create more
I have been reading more lately, and had more meditation time.
Friday, December 09, 2005
now to just get it developed and printed
The rain has been nice lately. Also the cold weather. I missed a notion that John Lennon died 25 years ago yesterday. I was also thinking that my generation and those after me do not really know lennon. We have his songs but I was thinking that The whom of who he was will be fading as time goes by, than 50 years from now some kid will find an old cd and play it and get hooked. and the cycle of music will continue
so thats that, its the weekend
have a great one
and don't shoot anybody
Monday, December 05, 2005
The new new news is that I recently got a job at Movie Gallery In Pooler. That is exciting
There some good opportunities with the company so hopefully it will work out well.
its the holiday season aggghhhhhh
I got H a coffee maker from the pembroke variety store for 10 bucks, Hollah. I made a nice cup the other day. And sat on the back steps and just listened for a while
It is important to listen, especially when there is so much noise going around us these days. When was the last time you sat and listened w/ out a tv,cell,radio, etc? The crazier it gets the more I realize how important meditation time is.
When I sit and listen for a a few moments it reminds me of who I am
also Aquinas Merlot (Napa Valley) is such a nice red. I got it from the Were Nuts Wine and Cheese store in Savannah it wasn't too expensive either. a website called it the following lol: Soft and supple, with inviting notes of chocolate, cherries, nutmeg and cedar. I don't know about all that. But there seems to be some great wines for under $15 these days and I'd call it one of them
Thursday, December 01, 2005
OK America
the next time you seee me give me a swift kick in the pants and holler at me and say Go take some pictures
i've totally been slacking, january is nearly approaching And I have at least 3 more rolls of film I need to take
I saw a great show on GPB yesterday about a private nature preserve that allowed photographers to come and visit and take pics it was in minesota. One of the professionals said nature photography took 2 things to be successful Paitence and Luck. This place was great they had many rare animals such as wolves, lynxs etc.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Hello Monday
Monday, November 21, 2005
A tad of rain

Its raining today and its awesome
The above one is from the barriers series taken earlier this year.
It seems like its been a long while since a nice slow rain. Waking today to the rain after a night of restfull sleep was very well appreciated. The weekend has came and gone and now thanksgiving awaits us. I'm leaving for B-town on tuesday. I should be back on friday So I have a day off from work to wash clothes, and go to a job interview, I hope it works well
have a great day
Saturday, November 19, 2005
a pot
a thought: seeing the wall mart movie at the mayors house on saturday
a party; a gathering of friends and friends to be
some brown liquor: Nice to have some bourbon and great beer that I bought today, I have succeeded to drink less and it feels mighty good.
maybe a great meal or 2
a nice sunday
anyhow this weekend is mighty full It should be majorly fun
I hope to get some pictures in. I took some cemetery ones the other day.
hope to see you
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I wanted to
they are arround here somewhere
its a very nice day outside
enjoy it
stop and smell the coffee while your at it
and if you want a great coffee smell go to Fresh Market in Savannah Because they have these huge barrels of coffee beans
I think its time for a cup of Coffee
Sunday, November 13, 2005
what I need?
not having a great job (still doing temp work) and living in a scummy (its dirty lots of times and my room is messy) can make the productiveness slumber
also I have a lot more money. lol
I feel a need to have more meditative time. Sometimes it seems as if i'm on a highway all day long. I also need to wake up ealier, drink more herbal tea and less sodas.
FYI if your out there and didn't know my myspace is
So here are a few goals for the week
Look more for a job
Finish the SLR Roll of film thats in the camera
and take more pictures
Get Color Printer Ink
on another note
The Skies have been awesome lately. I have also been totally enjoying the weather. I even had a campfire on saturday. What a great weekend. I'm a bit tired. I watched house of wax, it was groose but not scarry. The Family Guy movie was hilarious. This season is so crazy so if you find yourself in a mall these days wrapped around a ton of people just say a little diddy
There's no place like home
There's no place like home
There's no place like home
enjoy your week. My cell is back in case you missed me.
Hollah at a friend
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Old School LOMO
My Enemies
by Derek Webb
off of: Mockingbird
I have come to give you life
And to show you how to live it
I have come up to make things right
To heal there ears and to show you how to forgive them
Cause i would rather die
I would rather die
I would rather die
than to take your life
cause how can I kill
The ones i'm supposed to love
my enemies are men like me
so i will protest the sword
if its not wielded well
cause my enemies are men like me
Peace by way of War
is like like purity by way of fornication
it like telling someone murder is wrong
and then showing them by way of execution
and i would rather die
and i would rather die
i would rather die
than to take your life
when justice is bought and sold
just like weapons and war
the ones who always pay
are the poorest of the poor
There is a lot to say about this song. I'm sure many will not like it and proably protest it. but I'm not sure exactly how to put out there my thoughts on it
So when so many make faith complicated, I will try and express the simplicty of the faith that I have.
I don't like religion.
Its more of a relationship than a relgion
I have a history of faith, in past generations that is.
I am a spiritual being who believes in a biblical creator
Each day I want to find out what it means to be more like him.
mood: thoughtful
music: derek webb bootleg
Evening: Cool outside its a nice night
Monday, November 07, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Me and my Brother McGee

So me and my brother David (not McGee) headed off for the metropolis of Pavo. Thats where I am at now. If your wondering about Pavo I will tell you a few things. For one it is home to the Cone Family, thats my mom's fam So I have my grandparents here and 3 familys of aunts/uncles/cousins and many seconds around here
a side note: another reason to dislike walmart
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE:WMT - news) said on Saturday it still expects a 3 percent to 5 percent increase in November sales at its stores open at least a year
This year, Wal-Mart has vowed aggressive discounts to lure shoppers, and has already launched its holiday advertising campaign -- the earliest start in the company's history. January 05 Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $10,267,000,000 I wish I had a company with 10Billion Dollars in it Reason number 9934 to dislike walmart cause this massive attack continues to grow
anyway back to pavo.
population in July 2004: 711
Its also home to the Peacock Festival Which is ususally the second saturday in may. And Cleave Dean who was an Arm wrestling Champion, But I've never met him, and The Legendary Burger Shack which is just about the only eating place in town, we also don't have a redlight but Do have an IGA and a Dollar General
and if you like geneology my grandfather traced his line back to William1 Cone, R. S. (1745- 1816) which would have been 8 generations ago from me
thats about it
hollah from pavo
sorry for the history lesson
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
If You think

2 Generations ago my grandparents probably lived in a house very much like this one. Its interesting to think of where we have come from. I'm not sure who lived in this one but It did wisper to me as I passed it during a drive in the country. Even though Old Houses might be a cliche picture I still love taking pictures of Old Houses
Thanks to all for a fab weeekend for those who visited the house and made a party a success and for those in swainsboro who had a fantasitc late night double feature picture show
its been great now for some grub and sleep
Monday, October 31, 2005
tie them around my neck
I keep misplacing them either them or the charger. lol They don't ever seem to be in the same place at the same time.
I need an oompaloompa to come over and clean my room while I sleep
I'm recovering from last night. It was super. I had a nice cup of Muse tonight it was beautiful. Coffee is my friend, and I pledged to H to stop drinking (hard drinks) so dang much, so that should be fun.
Ok america we need to talk:
What is up with cheaters? I mean if you don't want to be in a relationship than don't and just stop being sneaky and cheating on those who you say you are into.
I recently learned an acquaintence is now "talking" to another guy while dating her boyfriend
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Fine Drink
So for a while I was basically straight beer. I've been around the world to India, Russia, Jamaica, Ireland, and Poland with beer. I seem to be done with beer for the time being and moving onto other fine drinks
Recently as being in the last week or so I have had some Japanese Plum Wine, and some north American and Canadian blended whiskey
I've also been really intrigued with Whiskey especially bourbon. I just found out about this small batch stuff and I really want to find some. It reminds me of gourmet coffee, I've had the knobb creek before I knew much about it. But it makes sense that if you have an artisan distiller its going to be so much better than the mass produced stuff.
so next on the list is some small batch bourbon and some sake. But that's another day and another dollar, or many dollars that is lol
speaking of good food
I could totally dig some smoked mozz
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

must find my digital camera......
ok it was in my car
Last week: Got bumped into, another bang w/ the car, this one wasn't my fault
found a job, stopped temp work, wen't to Savannah, Pembroke, Savannah, statesboro, Pembroke, Brunswick, Savannah, Brunswick, found out I don't want to do sales and stopped the new job
I haven't taken a picture in a while. Been itching for photos. I'm not sure where to go next. The O Show is getting sooner and sooner. I am wanting to do portrait styles of people in black and white but not sure how to approach it. I sarted to listen to some Ginsberg poems, I found some barn wood the last time I wen't for a drive. I'm not sure how yet but I want to include those 2 things. But anyway the pic below is one from my last walk about. I need to increase my filmage. And just get out there and click and shoot. at least 3 rolls in the next month, and get the 3-5 rolls I have developed. That plus the digital will hopefully be plenty to choose from.
I also must post more. Thanks for you responders out there. I appreciate you.
I did find a dandy of an espresso in Savannah Its at Boba Cafe which is upstairs in city market. I think the key to finding the perfect expresso is to look for a locally owned place that doesn't try to hard to advertise their espresso. And make sure the person who makes it drinks it. Or you risk a bad espresso moment which really stinks. But i've been to boba twice so far and its pretty good.
I also got a small coffee pot for the house and figured how how to make a dang good cup (brita water filter) at home
that's enough
I need hot tea, but I think i'm out of it.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
First Friday was a great time. It was nice to see my rooter friends. AT, PRB, and Bird. And even Mr Mayor.
Hope ya'll make it back soon. There is something to be said when you go out to an event and you see multiple people that you know. I remember the times when I went to events and saw no-one I knew. That's one thing that I love about this town. Now of course people can lay down roots anywhere and grow them into a community. But I feel as if SB is my community to partake in enjoy, grow and learn from. So I ask myself this, as I'm moving from "college kid" to "local guy" what is the heartbeat of this town. What makes it move or sway from back and forth. What's its history. What's its future. The roots are showing in Portal coming up soon. Which I think is a great thing. But it makes me want to be a part of my community more especially with creating art that represents it both in its horrendous glory and wonderful mire.
so maybe that's a new theme Statesboro. Of course its been done before but Maybe I can look deep into these streets and find out what they are about
Go forth Love and Rock
and when you Rock Rock Hard.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
a nice soak

Well it is raining today, and i'm home sick frome work. Its the nice type of slow rain where the small drops seems to soak into everything.
hopefully there will not be too much flooding with tammy
when I was in highschool I had a karaoke machine with microphone inputs. So one day during a rain much like this I put the microphone up to the window and recorded the sounds of the rain. Than played electric guitar dubbed over the rain so it was a combo of both.
I need to go for a walk in the rain
There is just something about it. It brings back so many memories, riding bikes, duck boots, puddle hopping, writing poetry in class while wet from the rain, wet tents and socks at tollochee. The way storms always seem to come to calm emotional events.
thats enough about the rain
if its raining there. Enjoy it, don't forsake it.
So come on and rain for pete's sake
other notes: I have a sinus cold, thats always fun
not many pics lately
Thursday, September 29, 2005
1 2 3 Click

Not sure if I said this or not to you but I have signed up for a show at DK for January 06. Unless something comes up to hinder it. I'm still mainly in the thinking and looking mode. I'm looking for barn wood to have involved in the show. I have an idea of which way I want to go as in the pic shown but we will see as time comes closer.
It seems as its been forever since its poured rain. The pic above was taken after a nice rain. Its a ditch on the side of a clay road. I wen't down to that road about a week ago but barely recognized it because it was so dry. The fascinating thing was there was actually a current in that ditch back when.
Saturday is the Emanuel (Swainsboro, Ga) Arts fest. I'm not sure If I will make it or not. The parents are coming to town and they don't do that too often so I need to be here when they are here. Also H has to work, and I'm low on Gas
We will see.
Also Mary ( a root grouper) has been said to be returning and is on the way to swainsboro if not alreaddy there.
So welcome back to Georgia Mary.
music: John Butler Trio: Kinda a mix of Americana and rock
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
a master piece
so I will part with my favorite poem, it has stayed with me for about 6 years now
The Red Wheelbarrow
William Carlos Williams (1962)
so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Monday, September 26, 2005
moody monday

The seasons are changing, with what seems like a long summer saying its last hello.
I did have a nice shot in the dark today at the grind. Its not as inviting as dk. But I did get it in a mug which was a nice.
I long for those cool winter nights around a campfire. I hope to make that happen before too long. A hello to all of my swainsboro friends. Hope to see you soon and play some croquet.
thats about it for now, its definately a moody monday
hope the rest of the weeks brings joy to you all
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
A new one

Mood: Relaxed
Music: 80's Alternative listening to Human League - Human
Its been a interesting week so far. I've been working in pooler etc etc. I actually got a roll of film developed and put to cd. Its from my SLR so that was a nice treet. Part of the on-going Life Portfolio.
So now the question I have to ask and seek is how much photoshop is too much. And how much tweeking should the SLR pics go through. I guess it just has to be by my gut feeling attached is an example 1 of the pic and one of the tweeked one.
I'm definitely still trying to find my touch. I see other artists and know that them. I.e. A Desmal Piece is a Desmal Piece, or a Bridget creation is hers or Mats or the other artists I know of. But What I have to find. I feel as if I need to go on a mission, lol. But what I have to find is what is my voice. What images speak that this is me and whom I am. Its also important that I create me and not others. That's one danger I see with photoshop is that its easy to create images in the styles of others. But I think the organic nature of a click and print with not much inbetween is that is is less tempting and easier to create you in it. But than the question on broader terms must be asked. Can Originality Exist and is Original Art Possible.
that must continue another time, preferably with a few friends around a pot of loose leaf herbal tea. Which I have been enjoying lately. I have had some great black tea mixed with a little echinacea and peppermint
Other delights: The Vineyard Me and H went there last night It was superb. I've been there a few times.
Friday, September 16, 2005
So here is it

So here is the deal. I'm listening to I tunes and i'm like whaa whaa I have these cool songs on there. Its always nice to find a hidden song
of course with a music junkee its easy
so here is a quick pick just to get something out there its been a while. A typical JM out the window. I need to do a series of these. I was trying to catch a water tower while not wrecking but missed it. I got luered into a sweepstake. I'm usually not that gullible. So I have to remember to cancel what I suscribed to. All the things I subscribed to were trial subscriptions, just 2 of them. I was trying to win a camera.
those things rarely work
oh p.s. If you have an extra camera that you want to give a good home to send it my way
or if you want to buy me a Nikon D70. Holla at a friend
I need to do something worthwhile
peace and to my home here I come
Thursday, September 15, 2005
There are many songs in my heart. Songs of love, songs of faith, songs of despair. But this tape labeled 9-12-01 Is definitely one that stands out. I have many tapes of my playing probably about 20 or so.
But this one especially as I am listening to now, I haven't in a while still haunts me. Especially since when I listen to it it takes me back 4 years which seems like moons and moons ago. Some of the songs some are screams, some are crys some are ironic.
There are songs in my mind and in my soul. Sometimes it feels like they are screaming to get out. I feel now a need to play, a need to shout, a need to play as in the old days till my arms went numb
so anyhow that's my deep moment for the day
I need to take PICTURES BTW holla at DK if your nearby
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
In Case
In case you are not reading this than Hello to you who are not reading this
dental surgery, w/ no major problems so far. Not a lot of picture takings, wen't on the tybee casino boat and got kind of sick, kind of a bumed out week
but i'm still here and the weather was nice today
Monday, September 05, 2005
The Swainsboro Challenge
I have to give an internet shout out to an amazing Girl. Hollah Heather
The dubbed Swainsboro Challenge started yesterday. Meaning the most insane Croquet seen in a while. But I would have to say that the welcoming aspect of that town is amazing. Constantly I was amazed from the way the community has welcomed the roots and friends of the roots. It was an amazing gathering, topped off by a nighttime porchlit sing along. Yo ho ho.
So if your looking for something to do check out a swainsboro activity because it seems to be an amazing town full of super nice people.
So thanks to all for your welcoming. Hope to see you soon
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Things I need to do
There seems to be a bit of Gas panic also. Especially yesterday i heard multiple rumors about there being no more gas so It actually wen't up about 50 cents in a few hours. Which in economic terms is about impossible. But when people panic and freak out bad things happen. So people think rationally about running to the gas station. I"m going to try and walk or ride a bike more. The only way prices will come down is if people drive less.
I feel like I have tons of stuff to do. But rarely get anything done. So I made a list. lol.
Things I need to do
Go to the dentist ( i'm going today)
Write a Song
Play my Guitar
Finish the rolls of film which are sitting in my various cameras
Develop the Existing Ones
Order Printer Ink
Find a Job
Have a Quiet Moment
Take a Walk with Heather
Be Creative
Be more Productive
Convince the World to stop driving so much so Gas prices do down
Show more Love
Friday, August 26, 2005

The art is up and ready. Or at least it should be soon.
The left is a scan of the main piece for the lomo show at dk.
It makes me glad to have my art where many can see. The 1st Friday (gallery crawl) is friday the 2nd. So hopefully many will get to see what's going on
The picture is my family's house in Genmora, Louisana. Its the one that my dad was raised in and will always hold a place in whom I am.
Its been a bit of a bummy day. But its nice because the weather has not been so hot.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
a saturday
some might think its booring but I do love saturday in this place. I also got to play sorry with drew. That was awesome.
The countdown has begun
I have 5 days
to finish my work (3 framed lomo images) for the lomonaught exhibition
I have 1 work ready to print, with no ink...its on its way. and a put-together frame with no mat, glass, and backing board
and at least 4 un-fimished rolls. That said I need to be kicked in the butt but by the photo head hauncho and get some work done
I also need to find my smena 35. It's lurking nearby
I'm going to go shoot before the sun drops too low
carry on
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yesterday I had a cup of coffee that tasted like sand. It did seem to be quite grainy
Come on people show some gourmet coffee love
Things are in full swing in sb. It's quite crazy out there. Way to many people !!!
Sometimes I think we as a people tend to ignore things that harm us as long as we don't want to look at it face to face. It's as the ideal of not in my backyeard. We have come accustomed to having certain things as long as its not in our backyard. But it is always in somebodies backyard The block below represents the blinders that we put on. Also how we ignore the harm for the common good. But that place as with other places is stuck with me. I have driven past it many days of my life.
I have never thoguht about it in this way before. I think that is part of what life is. Seeking and finding things around you and thinking about them in ways you have never thought of before
thats enough for now
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
travel travel travel. Broken Cable internet (via joey). Smelly house due to removing carpet padding which was stuck to the hardwood floor. Birthday party which was great. Job Searches Its rainy in Ga. Bla bla bla. And a my Holga got modded so I hope to get some images on it soon.
tis it for now
I should be in my new room soon and have my comp hooked up
Monday, August 01, 2005
Monday I think
Me and H went for a walk today. Its nice to have a place to walk. It always felt way to dangerous to walk at the old place
Tuesday: B-town and working a day job at a store
and the day that I arrived i.e. my birthday:
....Friday (or sooner) back in SB
Saturday: {Party at the Hosta De La Oz}
Sunday B-town for dad's birthday
still not comp hooked up, my housemate J has not been here so I'm not sure how to get hooked into the cable modem
If you want to open a deli in downtown statesboro or a coffee shop in swainsboro I'm your Guy...ya herd!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Movin some rain
what a beautiful day in statesboro. I love it when its a quiet rainy afternoon / evening
its as if the land is gulping up the rain and saying thank you. Everything seems greener. Its been a hot week and the showers today sure are inviting. Its also nice to wear a pair of jeans which usually can't be done when its a hundred degrees. My stuff is boxed up and in my new room, and I'm on a friends comp. It will be a few days till I'm settled. But this rain has me itchin to take some pics so I hope to do so soon. I remember something that shown about Ansel Adams that he said that weather gave nature character.
have character
Friday, July 29, 2005
my blue eyed son
from the Inaugural Address of Theodore Roosevelt
Saturday March, 1905
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, my darling young one?
I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains,
I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways,
I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests,
I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans,
I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard,
And it's a hard, and it's a hard,
it's a hard, and it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall Bob Dylan 1963
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
105 degrees

A day on the concrete and in the sun will make you hot. I spent the day at the auto processing (AVP) for a labor position. One of the thermostats in the car read 104 for outside There is a picture in the office of a thermometer reading 120 inside of a car. So it was warm. But at the end of the day there were some seagulls flying around. Its as if the creator was saying Hey I know its hot down there but I'm going to let these birds fly around you to remind you your not alone.
Usually my spiritual side lets me see the deepness of our surrounding. I try to take nothing for granted. May it be a bug on a porch or a space shuttle lifting off as it did today. We were created to be good stewards And I hope people remember that.
So I'm a bit tired. But something totally unique happened. A guy in a large car rode by and asked where to find water, meaning a river. He sounded as if he was from Germany. There is a river about 10 mins from my house So I told him how to get there and he was on his way. That was odd
location: Brunswick
Job Status: temp labor, still looking for full time
Monday, July 25, 2005
Swanky: Wow ain't that swanky
Booughe: from the word bourgeoisie man that is so booughe, meaning overly rich looking but in a silly way. as of things you might find in an import store.
I laugh so hard today it hurt. I love it when that happens.
Another week, another interview, another Hot summer day.
"you have to deal with the hand your dealt with."
Well no duhh. If you Weren't given that hand you would not have to deal with it
and one more classic from the olden golden days of Gallagher
Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
JM aka: Oscar
Friday, July 22, 2005
fair trade
Can a person who farms on a coffee plantation walk into a gourmet coffee shop and buy a cup of the product from which he farmed
With so many issues in the world it may seem that there isn't much that we can do. But there are a few things that I am trying to do something about. This is one of them. The Fair Trade of the import of coffee is very important to me. You might say well why is that important. Huge corporations are usually involved in the importing of coffee. So they generally buy beans from very cheap sources and make their blends. This brings the demand for single origin coffee growers lover and drives the price down. The smaller farmers can not compete with the bargain buyers. A fair trade initiative sets a fair price for the farmer and helps them receive what is due to them. Usually the bargain buyers pay around 80 cents where fair trade is closer to $1.20 a for a pound of coffee beans
So what can we do?
1. Be informed
2. If you love Coffee love those who grow the coffee and encourage your cafe/coffee stop to do the same
Change can occur. It already is happening it just needs to happen more.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
There is an island

There is an island behind my house. Or the house that I'm at now, that being in Brunswick...We live up against the marsh and there is a trail back to it. It has been used many times for camping and other quiet moments. So I walked back there this afternoon before the sunset and took a few pics. Something about the smell of the marsh. The sand below my feet. How the grass priceless at your arms. Its very close to me and whom I am
I did take a few pics with my slr. I need to finish that roll of film. Its been in there a while.
I enjoy taking journeys. Although it seems that I take less than ever now. But I still try to have a small one as the trip to the island today. I'll post a pic if I ever get it done.
The pic is one of my 1sts. Kinda the opening journey to lomography. It was taken with a smena 8m that is no longer with me due to the broken shutter. It also represents my favorite corner in SB. The corner of South Main and West Vine. On that corner is DK. But you probably already knew that.
The job status seems to be come and go. I get something new almost every day or so. I know the right one will come about.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Holgaeyed Easyshare

So I installed photoshop 7.0 on my comp, and added a holga feature add on. There are way to many things in photoshop.
I think I am going to get a book so I can learn how to use it.
Above are example of what I've done so far. Any artist who goes into the digital realm must ask themselves what is to much. So far everything I've twiddled with has been digital photos. Or mainly. I'm not sure how I feel about messing with a film print. I guess we will see after I get some developed and printed
A question. When does a picture no longer become a photograph?
There is something very soothing though about a manual camera. I don't think I'll ever be able to leave that behind. But the the instancy of digital sure is alluring. But similar to stove top perk. A rarity these days. I can get an instant cup of coffee and it gets the job done. But if I use the stove top percolator, which usually takes about 10-20 mins its much more satisfying. A great shot with a manual camera is more satisfying
and if you want to confuse the heck out of you local coffee shop, ask for some organic fair trade coffee made freshly in a french press. Which if I may say is the best way in the world to have a cup of coffee. So if you find a place which will tow your line...hold on to that place because its golden
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Celebrity once a name
Celebrity Fit Club 2:
Surreal Life 5.
what crazes me is that they have other reality show ppl as the stars on these reality shows. As if these people from other shows are worth their time on TV.
Late Night Movies
on other notes. The Dukes of Hazzard is apt to be a horrible film. But CMT has started playing the Dukes re-runs again.
once again on Depp. I really do think he is loosing his mind. But maybe its that my perception of him has changed since secret window, b/c that was such a convincing role. He's just an eccentric man I figure
Adam West: (family guy mayor) I love this job more than I love taffy ... and I'm a man who enjoys his taffy.
and for those last night. TV's Craig Ferguson Late Late Show is amazing. I would suggest taping it if you can't stay up for it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
And again I decided to re-vamp the blog
Friend of Mine 7-05
I would like to say Hey
But where have you Gone o Friend of mine
I look for you in the dirt of the island tide
upon the old oak tree in my yardback in the back is a board that I once nailled to a tree
It was my castle and I was its king
O friend of mind running up the stairs in this house
o friend of mine and Juping from the top as the door rang
Sometimes a home seems far away even when your stitting in the kitchen that you once wanted to never leave
But wherever you run o friend of mind
Once again I have returned to this place of my youth
The Sand has once rolled blown me back
So to this town I say hello my friendits nice to be near you again
So its been a while
I'm in brunswick, Ga. For the time being i'm looking for temp work. And I haven't had a good cup of joe in about 4 days. I was going to go to a shop here Daddy's Cate Coffee but when I wen't dowtown I didn't have a dollar to my name
oh Awaken how do I miss the.
I should be in the Boro again soon.
Deeper Meanings
Is Peace a 4 letter word