Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Everything is gonna change"
"Nothing is gonna stay the same"

A lot has changed lately. Transitions are occurring.   I haven't felt the need to blog in forever.  I have a second part time at Maggies Pizza.  Gus And Eva are really nice.  G Daddy's is no more.  The cool breeze is coming.  Exciting times await.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Was Wrong, I'm Sorry & I Love You 
Music and Lyrics by Derek Webb
© 2013 Derek Webb

It's been twenty years since I rose and cleared my throat
It's been ten years since I stood outside the church
It's been nine years since the ground became the sky 
It's been eight years since I found an alibi 
It's been six years since the dogs picked up the game 
It's been four years since I've learned to love the pain 
It's been one year since I stole life from the grave 
and over all thees years just three things I've tried to say 

I was wrong, sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, sorry and I love you 
I love you 

I welcome everyone give nothing when they arrive 
And lets build a house with no way to come inside 
I've learned to hide my tears and to hold them deep inside 
and then sell my fears just to pick your pockets dry 

and I was wrong, sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, sorry and I love you 

I have mislead you 
I have misread you 
I've cared to much and not enough in the same breath 
You've been my hope my stretch of rope in life and death 

and I was wrong, I'm sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, I'm sorry and I love you 
I was wrong, I'm Sorry and I love you 
I love you 
I love you I love you

© 2013 Derek Webb

Saturday, June 15, 2013

When I hear Coldplay.  (its on pandora)  I remember the old apartment on 210 Lanier Drive in Statesboro.  Those tunes were the soundtrack of that season.   Its been a long journey since I came to Statesboro on a snowy January day way back when.   I don't know how many friends and family I've met and joined with.  But I cherish them all.  As I've been cleaning house on this quiet Saturday I've become introspective.  Times are hard.  Yet the best is to come.  I've had my coffee.  I don't know where i'm going.  I'm working part time.  I'm trying to find full time work. My Daughter turns 2 in a few weeks.  My wife is starting a new position at the store.   I'm in desperate need of full time work so I can support us all.  Separation looms.  Maybe a new season is around the corner.  But the past year I've been in limbo.   Things are messed up. I'm not sure how I got to this place.   I still have hope and faith.  I will carry on.  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I love the marsh

Everyone once in a while people ask me.  Why do you like living here?  (Savannah).  For me it has to be the marsh.  It has this strange quality.   When we lived at the old house, during a summer high tide  water came up to the back porch.  We got our neighbors boat and floated around the flooded marsh. One of the best pictures I ever made is hanging above my sisters couch of the marsh.  It was a sanctuary when my grandfather had his 1st stroke.  It was our kingdom and playground. Now its one of my inspirations.  I remember talking marsh walks and watching fiddler crabs and eating sea cucumbers   There was the time JP got stranded on the island or when penny would disappear into the grass.     If you Google earth you can see a fading aspect of the trails we made.   needless to say we have a history.  When i drive by the marsh the and see a puddle or a trail it makes me want to jump out of my car and see where it goes.   When I smell the marsh when the tide is low it can't be expressed the memories that return.   When the cousins get a little older  .   Maybe I can lead them on a marsh trek.   People express their love for the beach.  I like the beach but I love the marsh.   So that's why I live here.  I'm coastal Georgian 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

I hate you. You hate me.

Racism is as old as time: From numbers 12.   Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife (most agree she was from Ethiopia).  The lord came down and called out Miriam and Aaron.   Then Miriam was given leprosy.  Moses being a humble man asked God to heal her.  And he did after 7 days....  Various groups of people have used their banner of faith to promote racism.  Slavery in many cultures was believed to be a divine right.  Many foreign people were massacred as "Godless Heathens"

 As a child we were taught that we all are all sons of Abraham.  (i am one of them and so are you).  If more people remembered what they learned as a child, we would live in a better world.  

When I hear a person of professed faith use use a racial slurs it boils my blood.  The ignorance needs to be addressed in the church today.  We are segregated.  I put part of the blame on the Religious Right, The Southern baptist convention, and other groups that have dug their heels in.  These heel diggers have decided that they do not want change. They have dug a division trench in the church and decided that your either "our kind" or against us.

"But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.  James 2:9"

I'm breaking the chain.  My daughter will be taught to accept and learn to love all races. I am going to try my best to raise her not to favorite one skin color over the other.  I want her to know and remember that  she is a daughter of Abraham and has many brothers and sisters.

I am one of them
And So are you
So lets all praise the lord
